Celebrating Maharishi Dadhichi Jayanti LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Today on 4th October 2023, on the Occassion of Maharishi Dadhichi Jayanti Under graduate BAMS 1st year students from LN Ayurveda College and Hospital Bhopal participated in Organ donation awareness activities and its importance was conveyed by various competitions like poster making, Rangoli making, body painting, Essay writing Under the guidance of Respected Principal Dr. Sapan Jain Sir and with the support of Dept. Of Rachana sharir teachers. A pledge was taken for the noble cause.

In commemoration of Maharishi Dadhichi Jayanti, undergraduate students from LN Ayurveda College and Hospital, Bhopal, took a remarkable initiative to raise awareness about organ donation. First-year students pursuing BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) actively participated in a series of activities that conveyed the significance of organ donation.

Under the esteemed guidance of Principal Dr. Sapan Jain and the wholehearted support of the Department of Rachana Sharir teachers, the students organized a series of engaging competitions. These included poster making, Rangoli making, body painting, and essay writing, all centered around the theme of organ donation.

The vibrant posters created by the students beautifully conveyed the message of giving the gift of life through organ donation. Elaborate Rangoli designs adorned the campus, drawing attention to the cause. The body painting showcased creativity while emphasizing the importance of this noble act. Furthermore, essay writing allowed students to express their thoughts and insights on organ donation and its life-saving impact.

Dr. Sapan Jain, the respected Principal of LN Ayurveda College and Hospital, praised the students’ dedication to spreading awareness about such a vital cause. “It’s heartening to witness our students actively engaging in activities that promote the noble act of organ donation. Maharishi Dadhichi Jayanti serves as a fitting occasion to remind ourselves of the significance of selfless giving.”

A highlight of the event was the collective pledge taken by the students, reaffirming their commitment to organ donation. This solemn pledge reflects the spirit of compassion and altruism instilled in the young minds of LN Ayurveda College.

Organ donation is a critical aspect of healthcare, and creating awareness about its importance can save countless lives. The students’ efforts on Maharishi Dadhichi Jayanti serve as a shining example of their dedication to making a positive impact on society.

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