Expert Lecture on Sepsis Awareness LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


An expert lecture series was organised by School of Pharmacy, LNCT University, Bhopal on 10th January 2024 for B.Pharm,1st semester students by Dr.Shruti Dubey, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency medicine, L.N.Medical college and J.K.Hospital and Executive body member ISCCM, Bhopal on the topic “Sepsis Awareness “. A short lecture was also given by Dr.K.K.Thakur, MD Anaesthesia ISCCM Critical care intensivist and Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Mahavir Institute of medical sciences and Director, critical care services, Trinity Multi-speciality Hospital Bhopal. Dr. Akhlesh Singhai, Director, School of Pharmacy, and Dean academic LNCT University, delivered welcome speech. Dr.Shruti Dubey gave insight on how sepsis is a major cause of most of the deaths of the world. Around 2 crore people are mostly affected by infection and if not diagnosed on time may lead to more serious issues leading to death. Apart from Dr.Shruti, Dr.K.K.Thakur also gave a brief note on how to prevent sepsis infection. Dr.Thakur explained how good hand hygiene, safe drinking and eating habits can prevent us from diarrhoea or such infections. The perspective of the discussion was to make students aware about sepsis and prevent it from spreading to all the organs of body and to avoid self medication in case of any such symptoms. All the faculties as well as the students attended the lecture with great energy.

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