Medical Student Dr. Sarthak Jain Excels in Robotic Surgery at Japan’s Renowned Kameda Medical Center LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Dr. Sarthak Jain, a medical student at LN Medical College and JK Hospital, Bhopal, was one of only two students selected from India for MBBS training in robotic gastroenterological surgery and general internal medicine. He received his training at Kameda Medical Center in Japan, the first Japanese hospital accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) and ranked among the top 45 hospitals globally. During his time at Kameda, Dr. Sarthak assisted in and performed surgeries using the Da Vinci robot, making India proud with his remarkable achievements.

In addition to his medical training, Dr. Sarthak is the founder and chairperson of the Genesis Organization, an NGO dedicated to human welfare and social health.

The management and dean of LN Medical College and JK Hospital, Bhopal, praised his accomplishments, stating, “Sarthak is a source of inspiration for all medical students in India. His selection for training in Japan was a challenging process, but he has made our college proud.

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