National Seminar on Challenges & Prospects of Pharma Industry & Education LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


School of Pharmacy in collaboration with EDIIC, LNCT University Bhopal has organised a national webinar on 16th June-2021 on the topic “challenges and Prospects of Pharma Industry and Education” Keynote speaker Mr Pramod Kumar Rajput ( sr. Vice President & vertical head, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd.) has shared his knowledge and given tips to the students for their successful career in Pharma Industry. Honourable Chancellor of LNCT University Shri Jai Narain chouksey sir, Honourable Pro chancellor and secretary of LNCT University, Dr Anupam Chouksey and Honourable vice chancellor of LNCT University Dr Narendra Kumar Thapak sir grace this event by their valuable presence. Dr. Parul Mehta (Principal, SOP) has delivered the welcome address and Mr. Aman Shukla (Head, EDIIC) has proposed the Vote of Thanks.

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