School of Pharmacy Hosts Expert Lecture Titled Fuel for Thoughtful Living LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


School of Pharmacy Hosts Expert Lecture Titled “Fuel for Thoughtful Living”

The pursuit of knowledge often extends beyond textbooks and classrooms, and the School of Pharmacy at LNCT University, Bhopal, is a shining example of this commitment to holistic education. On August 22, 2023, the school orchestrated a thought-provoking expert lecture that delved into the realm of mental well-being and personal growth. The lecture, aptly titled “Fuel for Thoughtful Living,” was presented by the esteemed Ms. Sneh Nigam, the CEO & Founder of Mindcafe India.

Nurturing Minds: A Glimpse into the Lecture

The lecture, “Fuel for Thoughtful Living,” was not just an event; it was an enlightening experience that encapsulated the essence of holistic well-being. The attendees were taken on a journey of self-discovery and introspection, as Ms. Sneh Nigam shared her insights on fostering a balanced and purposeful life.

A Warm Welcome to Enlightening Perspectives

Dr. A.K. Singhai, the Director of the School of Pharmacy and Dean of Academics, graced the occasion with a warm welcome address. His opening remarks set the stage for an intellectually stimulating discourse that aimed to enrich attendees’ perspectives on mental health and holistic living.

Mindcafe India: A Beacon of Mental Health Education

Central to the lecture was the introduction of Mindcafe, a pioneering startup hailing from Madhya Pradesh. Ms. Nigam illuminated the audience on the mission and vision of Mindcafe India, which revolves around advocating mental health education and fostering holistic well-being among students.

Embracing Open Dialogue on Emotions

At the heart of the lecture was a powerful message: “anything mentionable is manageable.” Ms. Nigam emphasized the importance of candid discussions about our emotions, unraveling the notion that acknowledging our feelings is a crucial step towards effectively managing them. This concept resonated deeply with the audience, underscoring the significance of mental and emotional well-being.

Innovative Concepts: Mindtreats and Mindfeeds

During the lecture, Ms. Nigam introduced two innovative concepts that captured the essence of Mindcafe’s approach. “Mindtreats” encompass a series of courses designed to address real-life challenges faced by students. These courses provide practical insights and tools to navigate various aspects of life. “Mindfeeds,” on the other hand, serves as a safe and anonymous platform for individuals to engage in meaningful conversations about their mental health journey.

Interactive Engagement: Fostering Meaningful Exchange

The lecture transcended the boundaries of a conventional lecture hall. Instead, it evolved into an interactive session where experts facilitated conversations and addressed students’ queries. This engagement between experts, faculty, and students created a rich and insightful environment that encouraged open exploration of the topics at hand.

Conclusion: A Journey Towards Thoughtful Living

“Fuel for Thoughtful Living” wasn’t merely a lecture; it was an invitation to embark on a journey towards holistic well-being. The School of Pharmacy’s initiative to host this lecture demonstrated its dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who possess not only academic knowledge but also a deep understanding of the importance of mental health.

As attendees left the lecture hall, they carried with them the seeds of introspection and the inspiration to prioritize their mental well-being. “Fuel for Thoughtful Living” serves as a reminder that in the pursuit of knowledge and success, nurturing our inner selves is equally vital.


Q1: What was the title of the expert lecture hosted by the School of Pharmacy?
A: The expert lecture was titled “Fuel for Thoughtful Living.”

Q2: Who presented the lecture?
A: The lecture was presented by Ms. Sneh Nigam, CEO & Founder of Mindcafe India.

Q3: What is the central message of the lecture?
A: The lecture emphasized the importance of open discussions about emotions and the notion that “anything mentionable is manageable.”

Q4: What are “Mindtreats” and “Mindfeeds”?
A: “Mindtreats” are courses addressing real-life challenges, while “Mindfeeds” is an anonymous platform for mental health dialogues.

Q5: How was the lecture structured to foster engagement?
A: The lecture encouraged interactive engagement, where experts facilitated conversations and addressed students’ queries, creating a dynamic and enriching experience.

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