Webinar on Role of Mass Communication in Health Awareness Program During Pandemic LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Webinar on Role of Mass Communication in Health Awareness Program During Pandemic

School of Journalism and Mass Communication LNCT University is going to organize a webinar on 1 October at 12 noon onwards.
Topic: “Role of Mass Communication in Health Awareness Program During Pandemic”
School of Journalism & Mass Communication has organized a webinar on the Role of Mass Communication in Health Awareness Programme during a pandemic in which the keynote speaker was Mr.Anil Gulati from UNICEF and Mr.Shashikant Tiwari Senior Reporter at Nav Duniya.
The webinar was inaugurated by Chancellor Shri J.N Chouksey & Welcome speech was done by Prof.Dr.N.K Thapak and the vote of thanks was done by H.O.D Dr.Anu Shrivastava.

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