Department of OBS-Gyne-LNMC Participated in CME and Workshop LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, LN Medical College, Bhopal participated in a CME held on 12th September 2021 which was attended by 130 delegates. It was organized by Bhopal Obstetrics and Gynecology Society. Dr. Nalini Mishra, Dean of LN Medical College gave a talk on management of post-partum haemorrhage in low resource and about her innovative devices like chattisgarh drape and Chattisgarh balloon . A drill on a postpartum haemorrhage management along with a skit was presented by residents of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Workshop stations were organized on estimation of blood loss, uterine balloon tamponade, compression sutures and stepwise devascularization techniques and hands on training was also given to all the delegates.

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