Electro Homeopathy: Course, Career & Job Prospects LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Electro Homeopathy: Facts you need to know


Diploma in Electro Homeopathy: Homeopathy was recognized & familiarised in India since 1973. It is a very old medical system entirely based on the belief that the human body can cure itself. It was originated in the late 1700s in Germany. Apart from India, it is also very popular in many European countries.

Homeopathy is basically a complementary or alternative medicine. Generally, homeopathy is quite different from treatments that are part of Western Medicine in vital ways.

Now, coming to the term Electro homeopathy which is also called Mattei cancer cure) is a derivate of homeopathy discovered by Count Cesare Mattei in the 19th century.

Electro Homeopathy is the latest medical system that helps in maintaining homeostasis between the lymph & blood of diseased persons.

Hence, it is a process by which it can be permanently cured. It is natural, affordable, simple, harmless, non-toxic, & non-alcoholic. Moreover, this treatment is absolutely free of side effects.

Check out: Market Size of Homeopathy Products 2021

It is a very powerful system of medicine that is surely going to be a boon for humanity as these are non-poisonous & do not leave any side effects. Medicines that are used for this treatment are made from various types of plants. It is the method of treatment that is based on scientific elementary principles of the law of nature. Thus, Electro Homeopathy is a reliable treatment that always provides the necessities which are required by the body.

The method of treatment is widely practiced in countries such as India, Germany, France, & the USA. Electro Homeopathy was invented in the year of 1865 in Italy by Dr. Count Caeser Mattie. The term Electro-Homeopathy is a combination of three words i.e. Electro, Homeo & Pathy. Electro refers to any disruption that happens due to the living organism, expelled out from the body by exchanging of force like medicinal force/ od force/ & also restores the organic tissues of bodies.

Homeo refers to equilibrium between blood & lymph. In a nutshell, the meaning of homeostasis is the physical & chemical consistency of the cell. It is inter-connected between cells to cell, tissue to tissue, i.e. each cell is connected to the other. It can only be done if the interrelation is in a usual manner that is the state of health condition. The third is Pathy, which simply means the method of treatment.

After completing the Diploma in Electro Homeopathy, candidates can seek jobs in health sectors both in the private & the public sector. The field of Electro Homeopathy is holding plenty of lucrative opportunities which you can easily unlock by pursuing the course.

Click here to know more about Electro Homeopathy & its current status in India

Business Areas of the Electro Homeopathy

Some of the most prominent job areas for the Electro Homeopathy candidates are enlisted below:

  • Medical Clinics
  • Private Clinics
  • Restorative Colleges & Universities
  • Medication Stores
  • Outsourcing (Medical)
  • Wellbeing Consultancy Centers

Electro Homeopathy


D.E.H: Course Highlights

Full-Form Diploma in Electro Homeopathy
Course Level Diploma
Duration of the Program 1 year
Examination Type Year-based
Admission Process Done on the basis of 10 or 10+2 board examinations with science.
Average Fee Structure Up to ₹ 1 Lakh



Diploma in Electro Homeopathy: Eligibility Criteria

For applying for the Diploma in Electro Homeopathy Medicine (D.E.H.M) the aspirants should have completed the Class 10 examination or its equivalent.

This course is recognized by Naturo Electro Homeo Medicos of India (N.E.H.M of India). It is an organization that comes under the authority of the Ministry of Health & F.W., Govt. of India.




Syllabus of the Diploma in Electro Homeopathy

1st year


Subject Code Subject Name Credit
D.E.H.M-01 Anatomy 1
D.E.H.M-02 Physiology 1
D.E.H.M-03 Medical Jurisprudence 1
D.E.H.M-04 Health & Hygiene 1
D.E.H.M-05 Pathology 1

                  2nd year

Subject Code Subject Name Credit
D.E.H.M-01 Material Medical & Pharmacology 1
D.E.H.M-02 Practice of Medicine 1
D.E.H.M-03 Gynaecology & Obstetrics 1
D.E.H.M-04 Surgery 1
D.E.H.M-05 Orgnon of Medicine 1


For further information visit: https://lnctu.ac.in/school-of-science/


Diploma in Electro Homeopathy: Who should opt for?

  • An applicant who wishes to run their own clinic in the future is an ideal candidate for this course program.
  • Enthusiasts who have an interest in homeopathy can opt for this course.
  • If you are planning to set up their herbal business are also suitable for this course.


Diploma in Electro Homeopathy: Career Prospects

After completing the course, if you further go ahead with the higher studies in this field you can opt for the B.E.M.S course in Electro Homeopathy. After qualifying for the B.E.MS course you can become a B.E.M.S doctor who will consider eligible to run clinics across the country. But before that, you will have to obtain a registration from the competent authority.

After the B.E.M.S those who want to continue with their studies can go with pursuing the M.D course in Homeopathy. This course will provide an enchanting opportunity to work as a professor in the medical institute or conduct several types of researches.

Diploma in Electro Homeopathy: Pay Package

In India, D.E.H pass-outs students can be hired in government hospitals/ dispensaries. The entry-level salary package varies from ₹ 10, 000 to ₹15, 000. However, the salary package depends upon the skillsets & experience that they possess.

As we have already discussed earlier, that apart from India there is a huge scope of Electro homeopathy in abroad as well. So, the candidates can go abroad for more attractive pay packages & career prospects. Some of the developed nations such as the UK, Australia offer handsome pay packages to a degree holder in Diploma in Electro Homeopathy course.



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