J K hospital Doctors participated in the interactive session with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


J K hospital Doctors participated in the interactive session with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and shared insightful inputs based on their experiences of curing Covid 19. Doctors from JK Hospital shared their best practices implemented in covid wards which leads to providing a home like environment and curing patients. JK hospital is providing the best treatment possible for covid patients and standing tall in fight against covid. Hospital management is providing all the support and infrastructure needed in this fight to doctors and all frontline workers. Together we will win this Pandemic situation.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today interacted with a Group of Doctors from across the country, via video conferencing, to discuss the Covid related situation.Prime Minister thanked the entire medical fraternity & the paramedical staff for the exemplary fight displayed by them against the extraordinary circumstances of the second wave of Covid, adding that the entire country is indebted to them. He noted that be it testing, supply of medicines or set-up of new infrastructure in record time, all these are being done at a fast pace. Several challenges of oxygen production and supply are being overcome. The steps taken by the country to augment human resources, like including MBBS students in Covid treatment, and ASHAs and Anganwadi workers in rural areas, provided extra support to the health system.

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