Postgraduate Induction Programme Batch 2023 LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Commencing a new journey can be both exciting and overwhelming. Transition into this new place and new journey is made easy and effective right here through our Postgraduate Induction Programme.
An Induction Program for new Postgraduate (PG) Students of L.N Medical College Batch-2023 was organized at CME Hall (LN Medical College & JK Hospital, Bhopal) to brief students about the infrastructure, code of conduct and examination pattern of the University.
Hon’ble Shri Shri. Jai Narain Chouksey (Chancellor, LNCT University), Dr. Anupam Chouksey (Secretary, LNCT Group), Prof. Dr. Narendra Kumar Thapak (Vice-Chancellor, LNCT University), Shri. Dharmendra Gupta (Managing Director, LNCT Group), Dr. Nalini Mishra (Dean, LN Medical College), were the Chief Guests of the event.

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