An Overview of Bhartiya Nayay Sanhita LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


A special lecture was organised by School of Journalism & Mass Communication and School of Legal Studies, LNCT University, Bhopal on the topic An Overview of Bhartiya Nayay Sanhita on 06th September 2024. delivered by Dr. Anand Kumar Tripathi, Adjunct Pro Vice Chancellor, Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat.
The expert enlightened us with the knowledge on Bhartiya Nayay Sanhita and frameworks governing the laws with Dharma and Law. He covered some new topics like unorganised crime, community services, Types of Punishment etc, beautifully with his poems .
The speaker was introduced by Mr. Sarman Nagele, journalist & chief editor, MP Post.
The whole event was organised under the guidance of Dr. Ajeet Kumar Soni Sir , Registrar LNCT Univeristy and Head of Both the Departments, coordinated by faculty members.

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