Best Agriculture BSc College in Bhopal 2021 LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Agriculture BSc Salary Growth & Trends

India is largely an agriculture-based country. Farming, agriculture, and related professions employ a majority number of the native Indian population and contribute greatly to the GDP of the country. Agriculture BSc a Specialization in Agriculture is one of the most sought specializations in B.Sc. With various advancements in the field of science and technology, a certain revolution in the field of agriculture is also underway. 

As the dependency of the economy is great, and the vast potential that the application of correct technology and science can have on agriculture, in producing a large amount of surplus food production, has rightly been identified by the many institutes, that have come up with various specializations in the field, to equip students with all the knowledge needed to make hem experts cater to this wide field of agriculture. Agriculture BSc is rapidly becoming one of the most sought-after courses after qualifying for 10+2 board exams.

Check out: Agricultural Market Size in India 2021 Best Agriculture BSc College in Bhopal 2021

India has always been a highly agriculture-oriented country, in the future too, a large amount of the population will continue to indulge in agricultural practices. With the integration of technology and farming, a new revolution in the agriculture sector is yet to come. Scientists and researchers are constantly working to find new ways and means with the help of technology, pesticides, insecticides, and genetic mutations to increase the production of food. With the country’s increasing population, it is extremely essential to produce ample food to feed the nation. Scientists are continuously working to achieve this, many institutes too have recognized the extreme importance of this, and have created specialized courses to train the coming generation as well. In the current scenario, opting for the Agriculture BSc course can be extremely fruitful for the candidates as this field is always evergreen.

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 Agriculture studies is an umbrella term that constitutes within itself, different branches of Agronomy, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Food Sciences, Soil Sciences, and more. LNCT is one such institute that has recognized the immense potential that the field of Agriculture holds, and has designed specialized courses that cater to different needs based on various interests of the students. 

Best Agriculture BSc College in Bhopal 2021

 Students who wish to pursue their career in agriculture practices, research in agriculture, and other agri-businesses will surely find these courses specially oriented. The curriculum for the Agriculture BSc course is designed to benefit greatly. The experienced teaching staff, expert faculty, rich resource material, and great exposure contribute immensely to making LNCT one of the best premier institutes of Agriculture in Central India. 

Why should one choose Agriculture BSc?

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the majority of Indians, and with the active integration of technology in the field, it is more likely to boost in the coming years. Specialization in Agriculture is a broad program that holds immense potential in the coming years, it deals with many fields, for instance, Horticulture, Agronomy, Rural Development, Environmental Health, etc. One of the most striking features of the Agricultural sector is that it will never face any kind of downsizing because food is the basic necessity of life. In fact, innovation and technology will surely increase the scope of agriculture by manifolds. 

Agriculture constitutes within itself, many branches such as plant breeding, animal breeding, genetics, animal sciences, plant biochemistry, biotechnology, and more, and experts in each of the fields are needed for the efficient working of the sector. A large number of fields that it caters to, means a large number of employees. A great number of experts in the field of agriculture will find employment in the sector in the coming years. Technology and Innovation will surely, create many job opportunities in the field. Lack of downsizing, a great number of sub-disciplines in the field, and the generation of a large amount of employment all make specializations, graduation, post-graduation, and diplomas in agriculture very appealing to the students. 

While opting for specializations in their studies, students must consider important factors, like scope for future and career opportunities. One student chooses agriculture BSc as these requirements are already taken care of. It is important to form a solid opinion about this beforehand and only then make an informed decision. 


Best Agriculture BSc College in Bhopal 2021

What are the Courses Offered by the Institute?

The School of Agriculture Sciences offers many specializations in the Agricultural sector, which cater to students’ needs depending on their interests. Both graduation level and post-graduation level based courses, are offered by the Institute, the following table of content, highlights these courses briefly, 

UG B.Tech. – Agriculture  8 semesters  B. Tech Agriculture 
UG B.Sc. – Agriculture  8 semesters B.Sc. Agriculture Hons. 
PG M.Sc. – Agriculture  2 years  M.Sc. Horticulture F.S
PG M.Sc. –Agriculture  2 years  M.Sc. Horticulture V.S 
PG M.Sc. – Agriculture  2 years  M.Sc. Agronomy. 
PG M.Sc. –Agriculture   2 years  M.Sc. Genetics & Plant Breeding.
PG M.Sc. – Agriculture  2 years  M. Sc. Agricultural Extension Education. 
PG M.Sc. – Agriculture  2 years  M.Sc. Soil science & soil chemistry. 


The various UG & PG level courses, focus on the different aspects and branches in agriculture, from Horticulture to Genetics to plant breeding and more. The institute caters to all these aspects with the best of experienced and trained faculty members. One of the main aims of the School of Agricultural Studies is to increase production with agricultural research and help students make a successful career in the field. equipped with world-class facilities and a highly student-oriented curriculum, it is one of the best institutes of Agriculture in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 

Some other important highlights of the Institute are- 

  • Well equipped and rich E-library, with great books, informative research papers, magazines, and other important resource materials. 
  • High tech and well-equipped advanced labs. 
  • Experienced and highly trained faculty members. 
  • Practice-oriented learning. 
  • Comprehensive Agricultural and practical knowledge to students. 

All these facilities make education at LNCT institute impart quality education and greatly contribute to the overall holistic development of the students. Great infrastructure and a student-friendly campus, along with curricular and co-curricular activities, make studies better for students and help them in inculcating necessary skills that will help them cope in the coming world. 


Job Prospects in the sector of Agriculture. 

With the advancement of technology in the agricultural sector, employment will be created for experts in the field, in both the public and private sectors. Their expertise will be actively utilized in increasing the production of surplus food in the country. People need to realize that the sector of agriculture is far and wide, and has the potential to exponentially grow in the coming decades, and therefore has the ability to create employment. Numerous opportunities will wait for experts in the sector, in the coming years. The following table attempts to describe these important jobs and highlights job opportunities that will be created soon. 

Indian Forest Service Officer Students who possess a thorough knowledge of the field of Agriculture BSc can find employment as IFS Officer, in the public sector. One must clear the necessary examination and interviews to be appointed as an IFS officer. They have a pay scale of ₹ 37k – ₹ 67k. The primary responsibility of an IFS Officer is to manage the environment, wildlife, and forest issues of the state efficiently. 
Agriculture Research Scientist  An Agriculture Research Scientist basically deals with conducting extensive research in the field. The pay scale varies from ₹ 16k- ₹40k. Candidates, have to clear an exam conducted by the authorities after which, they are employed as Research scientists in the public sector. 
Agriculture Field Officer.  Agriculture Field Officers, work in close companionship with the farmers, the agriculture companies, and rural development. The pay scale varies from ₹23k- ₹42k. An AFO is one of the most crucial members of the agriculture sector. 
Agriculture Development Officer  Agriculture Development Officer ensures that all agricultural products and practices are under the rules and regulations of the local state. They earn up to ₹40k – ₹80k depending on their department. An ADO keeps the agricultural practices of the locality in check. 
Agriculture Manager  An Agriculture Manager, as the name suggests, plans, organizes, and supervises the daily activities of the farm estate, they strategize everything to produce, better yield. Agriculture Managers are a crucial part of the system. 
Agronomy Sales Manager  Agronomy sales managers are essentially responsible for preparing and forming a team that will look into the sales aspect of the food produced. They are responsible to educate farmers properly and make them aware of different items of sale, by promoting their produce, seeds, fertilizers, manures, etc. 
Biochemist  Biochemistry is a field of science, that manages the investigation of science, and living beings. In the field of agriculture and horticulture, biochemists are responsible for developing efficient, fast yielding technology, that will make the surplus food production, better and bug resilient, drought safe, etc.  

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Apart from the above-mentioned jobs, there are numerous other jobs in the agriculture sector as well, that include- Plantation Manager, Farm Manager, Field Officer, Quality Assurance Officer, Rural Agriculture Extension Officer, Subject Matter Specialist, Food processing units, etc. Experts can find employment in the vast number of fields that agriculture caters to. 

Agriculture is a very broad field, that when integrated with technology has the power to generate a large amount of employment and produces surplus food production in the coming years. Students must recognize the immense potential that the field holds and chose their specializations accordingly in the subject. LNCT caters to all the prerequisite needs of the field, making it one of the best schools of Agriculture in Central India. 

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