Diploma in Acupuncture – A Step by Step Guidance LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


Diploma in Acupuncture – A Step by Step Guidance

Diploma in Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a medical course, which is also well-known as needling therapy. It is a substitute method for curing different types of health issues. This treatment process was originated in China almost 500 years ago, but presently, every therapist across the world has been adapting this method. In a nutshell, it is a process of inserting needles into the body at a certain location of treatment.

Based on the health condition of the patient the location of the treatment is specified. Acupuncture is not just about inserting needles but also the simplest process of applying pressure to cure health concerns. The primary objective of applying this treatment is that our body runs properly depending on the flow of energy.

We face various health issues due to some problems in the flow of energy in the body. Therefore, these therapies are concerned with bringing energy back to the body & clear our health problems.

It is one of the most easier as well as affordable treatment methods for healing various health problems. Although it takes some time to show results, thus, there is a high level of patience is required for this particular therapy. But the most interesting fact is despite using needles it is not a painful process at all.

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Ample medical students pursue the diploma in Acupuncture course as it the best course to opt for nowadays that unlocks ample job opportunities. An individual who has completed the course can bag a job in hospitals, healthcare centers, & medical colleges. It is a high-paying job so, as your experience increases, your salary will also increase simultaneously.

Check out: Acupuncture Market Analysis & Growth by 2026

Diploma in Acupuncture

The Diploma of Acupuncture is a 3-year program that is divided into 6 semesters. In this coursework, enthusiasts will acquire a holistic knowledge of both theoretical & clinical aspects of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine.

The students are taught about the foundational philosophies, diagnostic principles & therapeutic methodologies of the ancient & robust method of medicine, & integrate them with biomedical sciences & other healing procedures.

As an aspirant for Diploma in Acupuncture, you will gain knowledge about a variety of health concerns. You will also get to know what kind of treatment is necessary to bring back energy to that certain spot. Hence, it is extremely significant to possess a lot of patience as a doctor if you are desirous to become an Acupuncture Specialist.

Intended candidates must have powerful communication skills & the capability to diagnose the actual problem which is very important. As a doctor, you will have to remember many points such as the location of needling therapy, size of needles so that the actual organ is stimulated & can work in a normal manner.


Why LNCT University is best for Diploma in Acupuncture course?

LNCT University is amongst the superior universities offering marvellous placement opportunities for students of Central India. From world-class infrastructure, smart classes, well-equipped classrooms & laboratories to libraries, this university concentrates on delivering comprehensive education to its students.

Click here to know more about the LNCTU

LNCTU comprises plenty of colleges under its jurisdiction. School of Allied Medical Sciences is a part of LNCTU where the Diploma in Acupuncture course is offered. LNCTU has been a leading institute of Acupuncture education since many years.

For more information visit: https://lnctu.ac.in/school-of-medical-science/


What you’ll learn in this course?

  1. The ancient & robust method of Traditional Chinese Medicine, from classical to contemporary applications.


  1. Boundless background of biomedical understanding of the human body, its physiology& common pathologies.


  1. A deep understanding of biological energetic principles & how to boost energy through acupuncture, massage, nutrition, & exercise.


  1. Working knowledge of a spectrum of complementary therapies to provide enhanced, safe clients, & experiences.


Check out: Acupuncture Market Share 2021

 Diploma in Acupuncture

Diploma in Acupuncture: Eligibility Criteria

Aspiring candidates opting for the Diploma in Acupuncture must have completed their 10+2 exam from a recognized board.

Diploma in Acupuncture: Admission Process

Admission to the Diploma in Acupuncture course entirely takes place on the basis of merit of candidates in their previously qualified examination. There are no entrances examinations are held as such to take admission in this course.

Diploma in Acupuncture: Syllabus

The semester-wise course curriculum of this course runs on 6 semesters with the duration of 6 months each. During the entire course program, you are going to learn about the fundamentals of Chinese therapy. Apart from that, you are also taught about some elementary methods of massage & pressure points.

Diploma in Acupuncture: Job Options

After completion of the Diploma in Acupuncture, you will receive a plethora of attractive high-paying job opportunities.  However, the salary package completely depends on the skillsets & expertise that candidates possess.

Some of the most common areas where an acupuncture candidate starts working are Hospitality, Teaching, and Training include the jobs related to Acupuncture.

The following enlisted some of the most prestigious job profiles along with the entry-level salary & few must-have skills that are required are mentioned below:


  1. Acupuncturist


An Acupuncturist is basically a health practitioner whose daily responsibilities are to maintain the overall health & diseased conditions of an individual. They properly look of the pain or the illness as a sign that is mainly responsible for disrupting the balance of a body. They are totally aware of the treatment methods for a specific disease.


Starting Salary offered: It generally varies from ₹ 4 to ₹ 7 lakhs per annum.


Mandatory Required Skillsets

  • Efficient organization
  • Must have a strong command of communication skills
  • In-depth knowledge of treatments
  • Have to work with patience



  1. Chiropractors

Chiropractors are responsible for dealing with different types of issues of the neuromusculoskeletal system, including the nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments & tendons. These professionals use spinal adjustments & manipulations to enhance the patient’s health condition as well as pain in the body.

Starting Salary offered: It generally varies from ₹ 5 to ₹ 11 lakhs per annum.


Mandatory Required Skillsets


  • Have a deep understanding & knowledge of joints & muscles
  • Use of appropriate massage technique at the correct point in the body
  • Have to carefully analyze the problems in the patient’s body.
  • Must have the management skill



  1. Massage Therapists


A Massage Therapist uses hands to manipulate or to press the muscles & other soft tissues of the body. It is very helpful for providing a relaxed position, relieving pain, improves blood circulation & also improves joint pain.


Starting Salary offered: It generally varies from ₹ 4 to ₹ 5 lakhs per annum.


Mandatory Required Skillsets


  • Analogy of the human body is required
  • Holistic knowledge of muscles & joints in the body
  • Remarkable organizational skills
  • Must possess time management skills
  • Should be accurate as well as pay attention to each detail


  1. Naturopaths

Essentially, these professionals use natural methods for the treatment of an illness. It mainly focuses on identifying long-term solutions to the condition & avoids consuming pain killers & other allopathic medicines.


Starting Salary offered: It generally varies from ₹ 4 to ₹ 6 lakhs per annum.

Diploma in Acupuncture:


Mandatory Required Skillsets


  • Must possess powerful analytical skills
  • Pay attention to each detail
  • Have good written & verbal communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability
  • Initiative



  1. Nutritionist Therapist

A Nutritionist Therapist is primarily responsible for advising useful treatment & diet charts for a certain medical condition after examining the patient. In addition to that, they also monitor the accurate amount of vitamins, minerals & other nutritional components that must be included in the diet chart for the treatment.


Starting Salary offered: It generally varies from ₹ 3 to ₹ 6 lakhs per annum.


Mandatory Required Skillsets


  • Attention to each detail regarding the health condition of the patient
  • Should have the teamwork skills
  • Needs flexibility
  • Have appealing interactive skills



Diploma in Acupuncture: Must have skillsets

Apart from understanding the theoretical background of the entire treatment methods for various medical conditions. The candidates must have a few extra & additional skills to amplify their professional work. Subsequently, they also have to enhance their coordination with the patients & ten to cater them a better sense of comfort & feeling of recovery.

It is compulsory to have a clear understanding of the Diploma in Acupuncture course with its necessary skill sets to get a job in this field. Given below, the list of mandatory skill sets that are required to land a job after completing a Diploma in Acupuncture:


  • Communication Skills


It is one of the most important skills in order to properly treat a patient. Having strong communication skills will be extensively helpful for a Diploma in Acupuncture degree holder. Communication helps them to communicate with the patients or clients. This is really very helpful for establishing a cordial relationship.



  • Creativity Skills

Creativity is a crucial aspect while treatment & also makes you capable of deciding what kind of treatment will go best for a condition along with it. Also, it equally helps in deciding which types of moderations are possible in the treatment.


  • Organizational Skills

To provide equal stability between various works, the organization is very important. This skill is very helpful for efficiently completing the assigned task. Moreover, it also makes a white collar image for the particular institution which requires this skill.

Check out: Global Acupuncture Market Growth by 2031



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is meant by Acupuncture therapy?


Ans. Acupuncture is a form of treatment in which very thin needles are inserted into a patient’s skin at certain spots. This therapy helps a lot to improve the balance of vital energy & also creates a neurological effect on the body.


  1. What is the minimum eligibility criterion to be fulfilled for enrolling into the Diploma in Acupuncture Course?


Ans. The minimum eligibility criteria that are required to be satisfied for bagging admission to the Diploma in Acupuncture course is aspirants must have passed the 10+2 examination from a recognized board. They should have a fundamental understanding of the human body as a whole.



  1. Is there any entrance exam conducted for the Diploma in Acupuncture course?

Ans. The answer is simply no. There is no entrance examination conducted for admission to the Diploma in Acupuncture course. Only semester-based examinations are conducted at the end of each semester.


  1. What are the various types of industries where an Acupuncture individual can work?

Ans.  After clearing the Diploma in Acupuncture course an individual can start working in various industries like Healthcare. It is including hospitals, physician practices, integrative healthcare clinics, public health clinics, college health care centers, natural apothecaries, & military veterans as well.


  1. Who is an Acupuncture Consultant?

Ans.  An Acupuncture Consultant is a highly trained professional who is well aware of various types of physical & psychological conditions & other chronic diseases as well. They are actively involved in offering treatments to multiple medical conditions, & also on the side effects of other diseases.




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