Industrial visit vindhya harbals LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


LNCT University’s School of Pharmacy 02nd Semester B.Pharm students visited Vindhya herbals A Unit of M.P. State Minor Forest Produce Cooperative Federation” for IndustrialVisit on 07th February 2020.

About “Vindhya Herbals” Educational Tour

VindhyaHerbals is a brand name of products manufactured by MFPPARC. It is run by M.P. Forest Department officials. The visit was very helpful for the students to understand the various concepts in the manufacturing of medicines. Students took a round of the entire industry and learned the various task being handled in different departments like production, packaging, quality control, and raw material processing, etc. The student also visited HerbalMedicinalGarden and learned about the uses of various medicinalplants.

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