LAMP LIGHTING CEREMONY” | L.N. Nursing College LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


“Light is a prettily universal symbol of truth, knowledge, and understanding, it acts as a guide keeping us from stumbling in the dark”

The lamp lighting ceremony, an oath taking ceremony by the fresher’s who are entering the nursing profession, is being organized regularly every year. This year the Lamp Lighting Ceremony of L.N Nursing College students held on 4th May 2018 at LNCT University, Auditorium Hall, LNCTU Campus, Kolar Road, Bhopal (M.P).

This special occasion was inaugurated and graced by the Chief Guest Dr. Akhilesh Pandey (Chairman of Madhya Pradesh Private University Regulatory Commission). Special Guest, Shri. Jai Narayan Chouksey (Chairman LNCT Group & Chancellor LNCT University, Bhopal), Special Guest Shri. Anupam Chouksey (Secretary, LNCT Group) Guest of Honor Dr. S.C. Tiwari (Vice-Chancellor, LNCT University, Bhopal)

The special event “LAMP LIGHTING CEREMONY “of Budding Nursing Students of L. N. Nursing College, LNCT University, Bhopal (M.P.) is organized by L. N Nursing College, Bhopal on Friday, 04th May 2018, at L.N. Nursing College, Auditorium Hall, LNCTU Campus Bhopal.

The report of activities of the college of nursing was read by Mrs. Sunayna Sehgal, Principal L.N. Nursing College. The meritious awards were distributed by the dignitaries to the merit students of B.Sc Nursing. The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks.






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