Poster presentation competition on a World Sight Day LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


On the occasion of World Sight Day, L.N.Ayurveda College and Hospital, LNCT University, Bhopal organized competition on a Poster presentation on the theme of eye banking and eye donation and Rangoli competition on the theme of Anatomyof eyeon October 12, 2023 at shalakyaTantraDepartment, L.N. Ayurved college and Hospital, LNCT university. VariousStudents participated and created massage of awarenesson eye donation and eye banking.
The programme was organised under the theme of Har din Har Kisi K LiyeAyurved”. The Aim of the programme was motivating the world’s employers to provide quality eye care, to their employees.
The programme was organised by Dept. of Shalakyatantra and conducted by Dr.Sarita G. Gharde, Dr. Nikita Baghel, Dr.Deeptisharma, under the guidence Principal Dr.Sapan Jain sir and director Dr.Vishal Shivhare, L. N. Ayurved college and hospital. Thanks to our management honourable J.N.Chouksey Sir Chancellor and Chairmen, Dr.Anupam Chouksey Sir, Prochancellor and Secretory, Dr.Narendra Thapak Sir, Vice- chancellor of LNCT University for encouraging us for such various events.

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