The valedictory ceremony and prize distribution program of National Pharmacy Week LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


The valedictory ceremony and prize distribution program of National Pharmacy Week were organized on 27th November by the Department of Pharmacy at LNCT University. On this occasion, the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Chancellor of L.N.C.T.U, Shri Jai Narayan Chouksey ji, congratulated all the students and revealed the secret of being successful in life, which is to do any work in life with full attention and dedication. Vice Chancellor ofLNCT University, Professor Narendra Kumar Thapak, and Registrar of LNCTU, Dr R.K. Chaurasia, were also present in the programme. They congratulated the students who participated in the competition and motivated the students towards self-reliance and emphasis on research. While thanking everyone, Principal, Dr. Parul Mehta, gave the details of the entire week’s program and said that every student must make a goal of his/ her life. In the end, Dr. Virendra Kumar Sharma and Dr. Ashish Jain, in their thanksgiving speech, expressed gratefulness to the honorable management and all the teachers and students and congratulated them.

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