Yoga session was organised by School of Pharmacy LNCT University | Best Private University in Central India


On the occasion of 62nd National Pharmacy week, a yoga session was organised by School of Pharmacy, LNCT University, Bhopal on 21st November 2023. The topic of the session was “Pranayama, Meditation, Mudras for Healthy Lifestyle” and the yoga trainer was Dr.Mohit Tawar, Associate Professor, L.N.Ayurvedic college, LNCT University, Bhopal. Ms.Nisha Kumari Singh, B.Pharm. 5th semester student assisted him. Welcome speech was delivered by Dr.A.K.Singhai, Director, School of Pharmacy, LNCT University and Dean Academics. Students saw various asanas which can be used for treating various disorders like diabetes, Blood pressure, cholesterol, allergy, thyroid etc. Students got to understand how yoga is important for maintaining good health and immunity by following a disciplined life. Various mudras were also demonstrated by Dr.Mohit. All the faculties and students attended the same and enjoyed the session.

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